Whiteout Survival from Century Games offers an exciting challenge where players are tasked with building and managing a city in a harsh, icy environment. If you’re just starting out, this Alliance Guide will be essential for you before you hit Furnace level 7. Be sure to take a look!
How to Join an Alliance
By collaborating with other players in Whiteout Survival through alliances, you can enhance your resource gathering, engage in trading, and build a powerful team to face your enemies. Joining an alliance means becoming part of a supportive community where players commonly assist one another, share resources, bolster their troops, and swap valuable strategies.
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Joining an alliance opens the door to special perks and bonuses that are based on your tech contributions and the overall achievements of the group. To start or become a part of an alliance in Whiteout Survival, you need to reach furnace level 7 first. Once you hit this level, you’ll see the alliance banner icon appear at the bottom of your screen. Clicking on this icon will give you the chance to create or join an alliance.
To join an alliance, all you need to do is click the join button, which will lead you to a list of alliances that are ready to accept new members. When you’re considering joining, remember to think about a few important details. It’s vital that the leader speaks a language you can understand to help ensure good communication within the alliance.
It’s also important to evaluate the alliance level, which currently peaks at 11, since it directly affects the quality of daily rewards you receive from chests and gifts. Looking at the number of members can give you a sense of the alliance’s activity and strength, but keep in mind that power and member count don’t always match up.
Certain alliances can have impressive power levels even with a small number of members, thanks to their developed cities and strong troops. However, alliances with more members typically provide better advantages for advancing in the game.

Can I create an alliance?
Forming an alliance in Whiteout Survival is totally possible! Just click on the create button instead of the join option, and you can tailor your alliance to fit your style.
Choosing the right language for communication within the alliance is essential for smooth interactions among members. It’s also important to determine if players can join right away to create a friendly atmosphere or if there are specific power requirements to maintain a balanced and engaged alliance community.
If you’re just starting out and your furnace level is under 10, you’ll need 400 gems to create one. However, once you reach level 10, it won’t cost you anything. Make sure to keep this in mind before spending your valuable gems, as they are in short supply.
Creating an alliance requires considerable time and effort, and you’ll likely face stiff competition from other robust and established alliances. However, if you manage to break into the top 10 most powerful alliances, it can alter the dynamics significantly. At this level, alliances often form nap agreements, which help maintain peace by avoiding attacks on each other’s cities or farm accounts.

Alliance Structure and Benefits
Before diving into your alliance journey in the Whiteout Survival strategy mobile game, make sure to consider these important points. Each member of an alliance is assigned a rank that dictates their permissions. The ranking system starts at r1, the lowest, and goes up to r5, the top rank held by the founder and leader. The leader enjoys the highest authority and has access to all alliance privileges.
Here’s a breakdown of the permissions granted at each rank within an alliance:
- R1: Entry-level rank with basic access and limited permissions.
- R2: Offers slightly more privileges than R1, providing enhanced functionality.
- R3: Grants significantly increased responsibilities and elevated authority.
- R4: Includes advanced permissions and greater decision-making power within the alliance.
- R5: Reserved for the founder and leader, this rank comes with complete authority and access to all alliance features.

Upon joining, new members receive the R1 rank, which comes with essential privileges in the alliance. Members at this level can engage in the alliance chat, look at other members’ profiles, help with alliance technology, and decide to leave the alliance if they prefer.
Advancing to the R2 rank doesn’t introduce major differences from R1. In addition to the R1 permissions, R2 members can now communicate with all other members within the alliance.
The R3 rank represents a major step forward, as it includes all the benefits of the lower ranks while also allowing the authority to promote or demote members in R2 and R1. This upgrade is essential for keeping the alliance operating at its best.
The real strength and uniqueness of the R3 rank shine through in this context, clearly setting it apart from all the earlier ranks. With only a few positions open, leaders need to be thoughtful in choosing which deserving members receive this honor.
Those who hold the r4 rank are empowered to promote or demote members ranked r3 and lower, kick players out of the alliance, and begin the exploration of new technologies for the alliance. They have the privilege to access alliance configurations, allowing them to change the language, edit the bulletin and decree, create alliance infrastructures, adjust recruitment preferences, and handle alliance invitations.
The r5 rank is specifically reserved for the founder and leader of the alliance, granting them full control over every aspect of the organization. This rank includes all the privileges of the previous ranks, plus the ability to set up the alliance headquarters, hand over leadership, disband or rename the alliance, and change the tag.
Alliance territory and buildings
The territory of the alliance is a significant resource for all its members, showcasing the lands that have been collectively conquered. Within this area, members can build various structures such as the alliance headquarters, hunting traps, champion silver statues, competitors, and foundry rewards.
- Headquarters: Central hub for alliance management and upgrades.
- Traps and Statues: Boost defense and morale for the alliance.
- Competitor Building: Enhances resource collection and troop power.
These structures offer various advantages, including increased resource gathering, as seen with the competitor’s building, and improved offensive and defensive strength for all troops. Upgrading the alliance level and expanding the territory can further enhance these benefits.

Alliance Chests and Bonus
Daily rewards are shared among all members based on their collective activities. Each time a member defeats a polar terror or captures a rogue cryptid, a loot chest is given to everyone. These chests can hold valuable resources, speed-up items, and other important supplies needed for advancement. When you or any member of the alliance collects a chest, honor keys are earned. These keys help fill a progress bar at the top of the page. Once the bar is full, an honor chest filled with even better rewards is unlocked for all members.
Additionally, the alliance gift tab offers special rewards to all members each time someone buys a premium pack.
Alliance Tech Contributions
The Tech Contribution area of the Alliance Menu enables members to trade resources or gems for alliance tokens. This section is divided into three tabs: Growth, Territory, and Battle. Each tab features a range of technologies that need to be researched, much like what you would do in the Research Center.
Alliance tech research can only be initiated by R4 and R5 members, given that the necessary resources are contributed by the members. When a technology is researched, it provides advantageous bonuses to all members, focusing on areas like economic growth, military upgrades, or territorial benefits. For the best results, it’s wise to contribute to technologies that have the support of the leaders.
The technologies suggested here feature a green “ok” icon in the top-left corner, which indicates that they provide extra contribution rewards of up to +20%. To make a contribution, you’ll need certain resources such as coal, wood, meat, or iron. You can contribute up to 25 times in a row. After you’ve exhausted your contribution attempts, you’ll gain a new one every 10 minutes.

What can I Buy in Alliance Shop?
At the Alliance Shop, you can spend your alliance tokens, which you’ve earned by contributing to tech advancements, to get a wide range of in-game items. Whether you’re looking for territory teleporters, speedups, hero shards, chief rename cards, city shields, or other exciting offers, there’s something for everyone!
What makes this shop unique is the generous discounts available, often hitting 40% or even more. This emphasizes the need to continually invest in alliance tech developments to accumulate more tokens, given that item prices can be rather expensive.

Alliance Help Feature
A major benefit of joining an alliance in Whiteout Survival is the Alliance Help feature. This allows players to request help with upgrading their buildings and conducting personal tech research, while also offering support to fellow alliance members.
To access this feature, all you need to do is tap the “shaking hands” icon situated above the alliance symbol at the bottom of your screen. This action helps your fellow members by shortening their building upgrade and research times by 1 minute, creating a wonderful atmosphere of support and collaboration within the alliance.
This article serves as a thorough guide to the different facets of joining or establishing an alliance in Whiteout Survival. It outlines numerous benefits, such as special rewards, territorial perks, and varying member levels. By joining an alliance, players can optimize resource collection, engage in trading, and create a more cohesive and powerful team to tackle enemies. Alliance members can also gain exclusive rewards and bonuses based on their contributions and the alliance’s performance. After reaching Stove Level 7, players can opt to create or join an alliance, enhancing their overall gaming experience. Welcome to our LootBar trading platform!